Appel à participation
Ecole d'été sur les réseaux de communication
ResCom 2010
« Communications dans les systèmes de transport intelligents »
Du 13 au 18 Juin 2010
Presqu’ile de Giens
L'école RÉSCOM constitue un des principaux outils de formation et d'animation scientifique de haut niveau promu par le pôle RESCOM du groupe de recherche Architectures Systèmes et Réseaux du CNRS. Cette école de recherche qui connait un succès jamais démenti depuis 15 ans vise la formation par la recherche et la promotion des recherches sur les réseaux de communication. Son but est donc d'établir un lieu privilégié pour la transmission, à un niveau national, voire européen, de l'état de l'art et des grandes avancées de la recherche sur les réseaux de communication.
Le thème scientifique développé dans le cadre de l’édition 2010 de l’école RÉSCOM s’inscrit dans l’évolution des réseaux de communications sans fil qui sont désormais omniprésents dans notre vie quotidienne et qui offrent de nombreuses perspectives dans de multiples domaines liés à la sécurité des personnes en particulier dans les systèmes de transports de nouvelle génération.
L'édition 2010 de l'école de recherche ResCom, consacrée aux communications dans les systèmes de transport intelligents (thème riche d’enjeux économiques, sociétaux et industriels) s'inscrit dans une logique d'animation et de promotion de l'excellence scientifique en proposant un point de haut niveau sur l'état de l'art des verrous scientifiques et technologiques ainsi qu’un tour d’horizon des solutions proposées.
C’est ainsi que les problématiques suivantes seront proposées :
. Les réseaux ad-hoc véhiculaires ;
· . Les réseaux de capteurs véhiculaires ;
· . L’intégration fixe/mobile ;
· . L’évaluation des performances : modèles de mobilité, la simulation et les tests ;
· . Les problèmes de localisation ;
· . Les standards et leurs impacts sur le monde de la recherche dans ce domaine ;
· . Les systèmes de communications pour les autres types de transports
L'édition 2010 proposera un ensemble de tutoriaux et d'exposés techniques réalisés par des intervenant faisant autorité tant par leur expertise scientifique reconnue internationalement que par leur compétence pédagogique. Ce cycle de tutoriaux et d'exposés sera complété par une session dans laquelle chaque chercheur sénior présentera brièvement sa vision prospective de recherche ainsi que par deux sessions posters consacrées aux travaux de tous les jeunes chercheurs participant à l'édition 2010.
Au regard du nombre limité de places nous ne pouvons garantir que toutes les demandes d'inscriptions seront satisfaites. Les inscriptions seront traitées selon leur ordre d'arrivée. Il est fortement recommandé de s'inscrire au plus tôt à partir du site !!
Merci de diffuser largement cet appel à participation !
jeudi 18 mars 2010
Workshop on Movement Pattern Analysis
1st Call for Papers of the "Workshop on
Movement Pattern Analysis" at
The workshop will be held in conjunction with the sixth international
conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010, 15-17th
September, Zurich).
Movement Pattern Analysis" at
The workshop will be held in conjunction with the sixth international
conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010, 15-17th
September, Zurich).
lundi 8 mars 2010
MOBILITY Conference 2010:
International Conference on
Mobile Applications, Systems & Technology (MAST 2010)
Date: Oct 18 - 21, 2010
Venue: SMU Convention Centre, Singapore
This International Conference on Mobile Applications, Systems and
Technology series is an academic based conference. It aims to promote
the understanding and interaction among academic staff and researchers,
and focuses on the key research areas in the value-chain necessary for
the delivery of total mobile solutions. The conference is seen as an
ideal vehicle for bringing together researchers, scientists, engineers,
academics and students from all around the world to share the latest
updates on new mobile technologies that would shape the next generation
of mobile systems and technology platforms.
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
(A) Application Domains in Mobility
* (A01) Mobile Applications
* (A02) Mobile Internet; m-Business: m-office, m-commerce, m-payment,
* (A03) Mobile Gaming
* (A04) Mobile sensor networks
* (A05) Internet and Web of Things
* (A06) Ubiquitous Computing for Mobile Entertainment
* (A07) Machine-to-Machine Communications
* (A08) Mobile Computing
* (A09) Other Mobile Applications
(B) Human factor in Mobility
* (B01) Human Factors for Mobile Collaboration and Interaction
* (B02) HCI and Multi-modal Interaction with Mobile Devices
* (B03) User Interface and Mobile Devices
(C) Software Challenges for Mobility
* (C01) Middleware for Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
* (C02) Context-based computing for mobile applications
* (C03) Mobile Security: Access; Data; Device security
* (C04) Location Based Services
* (C05) Resource Management
* (C06) Mobile Agents
* (C07) Mobile System Performance
* (C08) Mobile System Platforms, Mobile OS, User Interface and Mobile
* (C09) Standards and Interoperability
* (C10) Mobile Computing
* (C11) Cross-Layer Design and Optimization
(D) Small Objects for Mobility
* (D01) System Level Approaches for Small Communicating Objects
* (D02) Antennas for Small Communicating Objects
(E) Networks for Mobility
* (E01) Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Vehicular Sensor Networks, and
Vehicular Technology
* (E02) WiMax Technology
* (E03) Wireless and Mobile Networks: Wireless Personal Area Networking;
Wireless Home LAN; Wi-Fi; WLAN
* (E04) Next Generation Networks
* (E05) Mobility Management
* (E06) 3G/4G/UMTS/IMT2000
* (E07) UWB/Bluetooth
* (E08) Wireless Communications Technology
* Papers Submission (conference & workshops): 19 Apr 2010
* Notification of Acceptance of Paper: 07 Jun 2010
* Full papers Submission Deadline: 12 Jul 2010
* Author Early Registration Deadline: 12 Jul 2010
* Conference: 18 - 21 Oct 2010
All papers will be subject to a peer review process which will be
carried out by at least two experienced researchers in the field. Please
submit your papers at this Web-site:
Introducing the 2010 Mobile Enterprise and Technology Expo (METE)
This year, we will be adding the inaugural 2010 Mobile Enterprise and
Technology Expo (METE) as a venue that gathers all industrial creators,
publishers, and distributors of mobile operating systems, mobile
software development kits and mobile (enterprise) applications. METE
will enable such parties to show-case their state-of-the-art as well as
upcoming products and developments in demo style displays. Alongside the
demos, there will be an exhibition area for commercial exhibitors to
expand their network of clients and foster relationships with existing
customers. We envision METE as the industrial component that complements
the academic part of Mobility 2010 with the main goal of forging links
between academics and the industry. Participants of either component of
Mobility 2010 may cross over to the other conference/exhibition to
listen to the various talks, presentations and demos. Through this
interaction, we sincerely hope that industry participants can have a
common platform to work with their academic counterparts.
Please email to
International Conference on
Mobile Applications, Systems & Technology (MAST 2010)
Date: Oct 18 - 21, 2010
Venue: SMU Convention Centre, Singapore
This International Conference on Mobile Applications, Systems and
Technology series is an academic based conference. It aims to promote
the understanding and interaction among academic staff and researchers,
and focuses on the key research areas in the value-chain necessary for
the delivery of total mobile solutions. The conference is seen as an
ideal vehicle for bringing together researchers, scientists, engineers,
academics and students from all around the world to share the latest
updates on new mobile technologies that would shape the next generation
of mobile systems and technology platforms.
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
(A) Application Domains in Mobility
* (A01) Mobile Applications
* (A02) Mobile Internet; m-Business: m-office, m-commerce, m-payment,
* (A03) Mobile Gaming
* (A04) Mobile sensor networks
* (A05) Internet and Web of Things
* (A06) Ubiquitous Computing for Mobile Entertainment
* (A07) Machine-to-Machine Communications
* (A08) Mobile Computing
* (A09) Other Mobile Applications
(B) Human factor in Mobility
* (B01) Human Factors for Mobile Collaboration and Interaction
* (B02) HCI and Multi-modal Interaction with Mobile Devices
* (B03) User Interface and Mobile Devices
(C) Software Challenges for Mobility
* (C01) Middleware for Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
* (C02) Context-based computing for mobile applications
* (C03) Mobile Security: Access; Data; Device security
* (C04) Location Based Services
* (C05) Resource Management
* (C06) Mobile Agents
* (C07) Mobile System Performance
* (C08) Mobile System Platforms, Mobile OS, User Interface and Mobile
* (C09) Standards and Interoperability
* (C10) Mobile Computing
* (C11) Cross-Layer Design and Optimization
(D) Small Objects for Mobility
* (D01) System Level Approaches for Small Communicating Objects
* (D02) Antennas for Small Communicating Objects
(E) Networks for Mobility
* (E01) Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Vehicular Sensor Networks, and
Vehicular Technology
* (E02) WiMax Technology
* (E03) Wireless and Mobile Networks: Wireless Personal Area Networking;
Wireless Home LAN; Wi-Fi; WLAN
* (E04) Next Generation Networks
* (E05) Mobility Management
* (E06) 3G/4G/UMTS/IMT2000
* (E07) UWB/Bluetooth
* (E08) Wireless Communications Technology
* Papers Submission (conference & workshops): 19 Apr 2010
* Notification of Acceptance of Paper: 07 Jun 2010
* Full papers Submission Deadline: 12 Jul 2010
* Author Early Registration Deadline: 12 Jul 2010
* Conference: 18 - 21 Oct 2010
All papers will be subject to a peer review process which will be
carried out by at least two experienced researchers in the field. Please
submit your papers at this Web-site:
Introducing the 2010 Mobile Enterprise and Technology Expo (METE)
This year, we will be adding the inaugural 2010 Mobile Enterprise and
Technology Expo (METE) as a venue that gathers all industrial creators,
publishers, and distributors of mobile operating systems, mobile
software development kits and mobile (enterprise) applications. METE
will enable such parties to show-case their state-of-the-art as well as
upcoming products and developments in demo style displays. Alongside the
demos, there will be an exhibition area for commercial exhibitors to
expand their network of clients and foster relationships with existing
customers. We envision METE as the industrial component that complements
the academic part of Mobility 2010 with the main goal of forging links
between academics and the industry. Participants of either component of
Mobility 2010 may cross over to the other conference/exhibition to
listen to the various talks, presentations and demos. Through this
interaction, we sincerely hope that industry participants can have a
common platform to work with their academic counterparts.
Please email to
CfP ACM* MSWiM 2010
Call for Papers
ACM* MSWiM 2010
13th ACM* International Conference on Modeling Analysis
and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
October 17-21, 2010, Bodrum, TURKEY
Submission deadline: April 25, 2010
[* ACM Sponsorship pending upon Approval]
MSWiM is an international forum dedicated to high level discussion of
Wireless and Mobile systems, networks, algorithms and applications,
with an emphasis on rigorous performance evaluation. MSWiM is a
highly selective conference with a long track record of publishing
innovative ideas and breakthroughs.
Authors are encouraged to submit full papers presenting new research
related to the theory or practice of all aspects of modeling,
analysis and simulation of mobile and wireless systems. Submitted
papers must not have been published elsewhere nor currently be under
review by another conference or journal. Papers related to wireless
and mobile network Modeling, Analysis, Design, and Simulation are
solicited on, but not limited to, the following topics in mobile and
wireless systems:
* Performance evaluation and modeling
* Analytical Models
* Simulation languages and tools for wireless systems
* Wireless measurements tools and experiences
* Formal methods for analysis of wireless systems
* Correctness, survivability and reliability evaluation
* Mobility modeling and management
* Models and protocols for cognitive radio networks
* Models and protocols for autonomic, or self-* networks
* Capacity, coverage and connectivity modeling and analysis
* Wireless network algorithms and protocols
* Wireless PANs, LANs
* Ad hoc networks
* Sensor and actuator networks
* Vehicular ad hoc networks
* Integration of wired and wireless systems
* Pervasive computing and emerging models
* Wireless multimedia systems
* QoS provisioning in wireless and mobile networks
* Security and privacy of mobile/wireless systems
* Algorithms and protocols for energy-efficiency and power control
* Mobile applications, system software and algorithms
* RF channel modeling and analysis
* Design methodologies, tools, prototype and testbeds
* Parallel and distributed simulation of wireless systems
Organizing Commitee:
General Chair: Violet R. Syrotiuk (Arizona State Univ., USA)
General Vice-Chair: Fatih Alagoz (Bogazici Univ., Turkey)
TPC Co-Chairs: Brahim Bensaou (HKUST, Hong Kong)
Ozgur B. Akan (METU, Turkey)
Paper Submission, Publication and Important Dates:
High-quality original papers are solicited.Papers must be unpublished
and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere. All papers will
be reviewed by TPC members and other experts active in the field to
ensure high quality and relevance to the conference. Short papers
might be included in the technical program to complete it and foster
discussion and idea exchange. Accepted papers will appear in the
conference proceedings to be published by ACM Press.
Submission Deadline: April 25, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: June 30, 2010
Camera-ready Versions Due: July 28, 2010
Speaker Author Registration Deadline: July 28, 2010
Early Registration Deadline: September 15, 2010
Conference Dates: October 17-21, 2010
For more information about the conference, organizing committee,
submission instructions, and venue please see the conference website:
Call for Papers
ACM* MSWiM 2010
13th ACM* International Conference on Modeling Analysis
and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
October 17-21, 2010, Bodrum, TURKEY
Submission deadline: April 25, 2010
[* ACM Sponsorship pending upon Approval]
MSWiM is an international forum dedicated to high level discussion of
Wireless and Mobile systems, networks, algorithms and applications,
with an emphasis on rigorous performance evaluation. MSWiM is a
highly selective conference with a long track record of publishing
innovative ideas and breakthroughs.
Authors are encouraged to submit full papers presenting new research
related to the theory or practice of all aspects of modeling,
analysis and simulation of mobile and wireless systems. Submitted
papers must not have been published elsewhere nor currently be under
review by another conference or journal. Papers related to wireless
and mobile network Modeling, Analysis, Design, and Simulation are
solicited on, but not limited to, the following topics in mobile and
wireless systems:
* Performance evaluation and modeling
* Analytical Models
* Simulation languages and tools for wireless systems
* Wireless measurements tools and experiences
* Formal methods for analysis of wireless systems
* Correctness, survivability and reliability evaluation
* Mobility modeling and management
* Models and protocols for cognitive radio networks
* Models and protocols for autonomic, or self-* networks
* Capacity, coverage and connectivity modeling and analysis
* Wireless network algorithms and protocols
* Wireless PANs, LANs
* Ad hoc networks
* Sensor and actuator networks
* Vehicular ad hoc networks
* Integration of wired and wireless systems
* Pervasive computing and emerging models
* Wireless multimedia systems
* QoS provisioning in wireless and mobile networks
* Security and privacy of mobile/wireless systems
* Algorithms and protocols for energy-efficiency and power control
* Mobile applications, system software and algorithms
* RF channel modeling and analysis
* Design methodologies, tools, prototype and testbeds
* Parallel and distributed simulation of wireless systems
Organizing Commitee:
General Chair: Violet R. Syrotiuk (Arizona State Univ., USA)
General Vice-Chair: Fatih Alagoz (Bogazici Univ., Turkey)
TPC Co-Chairs: Brahim Bensaou (HKUST, Hong Kong)
Ozgur B. Akan (METU, Turkey)
Paper Submission, Publication and Important Dates:
High-quality original papers are solicited.Papers must be unpublished
and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere. All papers will
be reviewed by TPC members and other experts active in the field to
ensure high quality and relevance to the conference. Short papers
might be included in the technical program to complete it and foster
discussion and idea exchange. Accepted papers will appear in the
conference proceedings to be published by ACM Press.
Submission Deadline: April 25, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: June 30, 2010
Camera-ready Versions Due: July 28, 2010
Speaker Author Registration Deadline: July 28, 2010
Early Registration Deadline: September 15, 2010
Conference Dates: October 17-21, 2010
For more information about the conference, organizing committee,
submission instructions, and venue please see the conference website:
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