Ubicomp 2010 - 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
Copenhagen, Denmark
September 26 - September 29, 2010
Important Dates
Note: Submission deadlines are firm and late submissions will not
be accepted, so we encourage authors to begin the submission process early.
1. Papers & Notes
* Submission Deadline: March 12, 2010 (23:59 PST)
* Notifications of Acceptance: May 25, 2010
* Final Version Due: July 16, 2010
2. Workshop Proposals
* Submission Deadline: March 26, 2010 (23:59 PST)
* Notification of Acceptance: April 26, 2010
* Workshop Call for Papers Distribution: May 10, 2010
3. Adjunct Program (Posters, Demos and Videos)
* Submission: June 25, 2010 (23:59 PST)
* Notification of Acceptance: July 26, 2010
* Final Version Due: August 6, 2010
1. Papers and Notes
Ubicomp 2010 welcomes original, high-quality research contributions
that advance the state of the art in the design, development, deployment,
evaluation and understanding of ubiquitous computing systems and
their applications. Ubicomp 2010 will include a highly selective
single-track program of full papers and notes. Full Papers (10-page
submissions) and Notes (4-page submissions that are not works
in progress) are due at the same time and will be reviewed by the
same committee using the same review process to ensure a uniform
quality between Full Papers and Notes.
All papers (Full Papers and Notes) should clearly compare and contrast
how the work relates to previous research or experience, what aspects
of the work are new, and the major contributions it makes. They will be
evaluated on the basis of originality, significance of the contribution
to the field, quality of research, quality of writing, and technical
correctness. Submissions must not have been previously published or be
under simultaneous review for any other conference, journal, workshop or
other publication with an ISBN, ISSN, or DOI number.
Submissions must be in Adobe PDF format and conform to the guidelines
specified in the CfP. Papers should be formatted according to the
Ubicomp ACM Word or Latex template. Papers must include an abstract
of no more than 150 words. Paper submissions have to be anonymized to
facilitate double blind review. Authors should take care throughout
their paper that their own and their institution’s identity is not
revealed. However, relevant references to an author’s previous
research (which may be required for reviewers to understand and
evaluate the paper’s contribution) should not be suppressed but
instead referenced in a neutral way.
For more information, see
Programm Chairs
* Paddy Nixon, University College Dublin, Ireland
* Khai Truong, University of Toronto, Canada
2. Workshops
Ubicomp 2010 invites proposals for one day workshops be held on Sunday,
September 26, prior to the main conference. The Workshops program will
provide a forum for attendees to discuss specialized topics or topics of
special interest.
This year, we would especially encourage more ambitious workshops of two
types. The first type is academic in nature and can be viewed as
mini-tracks to the main conference. These workshops should have the
potential to be sustainable and re-occur in the coming years. Hence, we
are looking to host workshops with the ambition of setting up a program
committee and aim for publication for improved versions of the workshop
The second type of workshops aims at building ubiquitous systems or
applications at the day of the workshop. Hence, this type of workshops is
a place for people to meet and design, build, or integrate ubiquitous
systems. This may range from physical design mock-ups containing no
technology, to a video prototype, to building an application on a
hardware toolkit provided by the organizers. Such a workshop should feed
directly into the other parts of the conference by producing a demo or a
video for the demo and video program .
Important dates and guidelines for the submission of the workshop
proposals are available on the conference web site.
For more information, see
Workshop Chairs
* Louise Barkhuus, University of California, San Diego, USA
* Vassilis Kostakos, University of Madeira, Portugal
3. Adjunct Program (Posters, Demos and Videos)
The Ubicomp 2010 adjunct program track provides researchers with
opportunities to present their cutting-edge work in an interactive
fashion in front of an expert audience. Posters allow you to inform
attendees about your work in person, demos allow you to showcase
tangible results and communicate ideas and concepts in a powerful
way, and videos allow you to visualize the results of your research
and development efforts.
Ubicomp 2010 newly combines these hitherto seperate tracks into an
integrated, multimodal submission process: Submit your work both as
a video and a demo; present a poster and show a video; or go for a
combination of all three! A multimodal submission not only gets more
“participant face-time”, but also increases its chances for acceptance:
if the submission gets accepted in at least one of the tracks, it is
implicitly accepted into the other tracks (subject to some basic
quality control, of course).
The basis of your Ubicomp 2010 adjunct program submission is a 2-page
abstract that describes the technology being presented and discusses
the novelty and distinguishing ideas or approaches that it brings to
the ubiquitous computing community. Even if you go multimodal, you
are required to submit one abstract only. Depending on what tracks
you are submitting to, you might need to provide supplemental material
such as a poster sketch, a demo description, and/or a video.
For more information, see
Posters Chairs
* Mikkel Baun Kjaergaard, University of Aarhus, Denmark
* Hao-Hua Chu, NTU, Taiwan
Demos Chairs
* James Scott, MSR Cambridge, UK
* Jonathan Bunde-Pedersen, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Video Chairs
* Clemens Holzmann, University of Linz, Austria
* Andrew Vande Moere, University of Sydney, Australia
Alexander De Luca
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
LFE Medieninformatik
Amalienstr. 17
D-80333 München
Fon +49-89-2180-4688
Fax +49-89-2180-4652
Skype: Alexander De Luca
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2 commentaires:
Very great information about computing. Generally Conferences are very interesting. I love attending Conferences, especially Computing Conference. I had attended Cloud Computing Virtual Conference 2009. I got a good opportunity to meet all the Computing Experts.
Thanks Adley. I too participate in the conference its quite informative and interesting event. Now recently I came to know about the Cloudslam 2010 is an upcoming event on Cloud computing.
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